Charlie's mum Emily commented " He got highly recommended last year so this was even better. He has your art classes to thank for it."
Pupils were asked seek inspiration for their artwork from the treasures on display in MUSA. They used them as a starting point from which to create a 2D or 3D artwork depicting something that they considered treasure. A total of 417 entries were submitted and 714 pupils from schools across Fife took part in educational workshops with museum staff. It was great to see everyone gaining inspiration from the collections!
Prizes were awarded in each of the six competition categories:
- Category A - Nurseries
- Category B - Primary 1 to Primary 3
- Category C - Primary 4 to Primary 5
- Category D - Primary 6 to Primary 7
- Category E - S1 to S3
- Category F – Additional Support Schools/Units
- Originality and creativity
- Confident handling of materials
- Boldness and impact
- An obvious link to collections at MUSA
Here is Charlie's picture.

I love the ellipse he has created to give the goblet a 3D effect. I also love the fact that he drew with white chalk on black paper. A bold move considering it is harder to rub out.
I am so glad that I get to pass on my knowledge to a new generation of creative people.