This page will tell you of Children's current and upcoming classes in and around the St Andrews area. To keep up to date with information, you can ask to be added to the mailing list or you can like the face book page.
2016 classes
Monday 4-5pm, 5-11 year old art class
Thursday 3.45-4.45pm, 5-11 year old class
Term time only
£7 per hour. Pay by term.
All Saints Episcopal Church Hall, North Castle Street
In this class a broad variety of
art and crafts are taught and explored. The children are introduced to famous artists and learn the basics in
using a multitude of art materials including oil and chalk pastel, charcoal,
pencil, paint, watercolours, clay, collage, wire, mod-rock, plaster of Paris and
inks. They will have fun painting on canvas and paper, creating sculpture from
wire, wood and recycled materials. They will interpret famous works of art and
discover the techniques artists such a Van Gogh, Picasso, Monet and Chagall
used. They will develop their gross and fine motor skills, solve problems, improve
spatial awareness and have fun socialising with other children.
Thursdays 5-6pm, 11-16 Year Youth Art School
Thursdays 5-6pm, 11-16 Year Youth Art School
Term time only
£7 per hour Pay by term
All Saints Episcopal Church Halls on North Castle Street
All Saints Episcopal Church Halls on North Castle Street
You will learn many art techniques not taught until college level. You will be taught how to measure, perspective, strength of line, tone, mark making. You will explore different forms of painting including watercolour, acrylic and oil painting. You will learn stop motion animation and sculpture techniques in clay. You will develop your own ability to think creatively and express their own ideas.
Easter, Summer and October holiday classes
dates to be confirmed
10am -12pm
£15 per class
A variety of classes. FIMO Jewellery, plaster of paris fossils, t- shirt design, lego day, watercolours, acrylic painting, puppet making, drawing animals and lots more.
Private Lessons
1child lesson £18 per hour
2 child lesson £33 per hour
Children can have lessons tailored to their artistic needs. Email for further details.
To view terms and conditions of classes click here
To view some examples of the kind of work students have created, visit the links found on the right of the home page.